Sunday, June 26, 2011

For all you wannabe Wangstas.

An ode to Eva and her Blog

  Everyday, I see people that say, they are the best. Oh, I can cook, I can manage a restaurant, I can fly, BLA,BLA,BLA. Listen, first, if you want to work in the industry, you have to try everything there is to try.  My college Classmates don't know what is to try new food. They think that food is just pizza and burgers. Do you know how many types of food there are in the world? The Cuisines of the world are very complex and very delicious too, so why not try other food? And you call your selves the future of the service industry.

 A small anecdote:
 A few months ago I had a class presentation about the food of my  home town. When I asked my class mate if they would try a plate called mollejas ( Gizzards ) , everybody said, I'm not going to eat that, that is nasty, some of them even told me that , how could I eat that. I told them, with green bananas and onions of course. As I got the 86 with the Gizzards I decided to cook something that is more awesome than the Gizzards, I decided to cook Conch, for those of you that don't know what Conch is. Conch is a sea snail that is eaten in the Caribbean and South America. Is very tasty as well as a good source of protein. You can make it raw, in ceviche, you can make Conch salad, Conch stew, and many other tasty plates. So that is what i did, I made the most awesome Conch salad the east cost has ever seen( I'm being modest ) just New York, and when I did my presentation one of my classmates said, that she wasn't going to eat that because she hated the look of it.  I ask her that if she was going to work in a restaurant, how she was going to sell the food if she didn't know what was the taste, the flavor, the texture, and do you want to know what was her answer. This was like a kick in the balls, she said that she wasn't going to work in a restaurant that served that type of food. What an ignorant.

Anecdote Finished.

  OK don't get me wrong, there are foods that are simply not eatable and just nasty, but people, you have to try it in order to know if is good or bad.

  Thank you Eva ( for opening this can of worms, and having the guts to tell everybody first, that they suck, big time.

 With that said, go out and try something new tonight. It doesn't have to be something out of the ordinary, but something posible, or if you have the COJONES go out and eat something imposible, you'll never know, you might like it, and make the possimpable come true. Thank's Barney Stinson

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